Friday, March 26, 2010

Evil S I yes to find a shore.

Ah, Friday. Its been such a long week, have been busy with something everyday until now. Thankfully thats all over, no more assessments, doneskie. This morning was terrible, no clouds meant no sunrise, and no surf.. theres the two options gone. But dang the coffee at speedos it worth it. This weekend should be great, so far, going to the MCA tomorrow to check out that installation, then might head to Paddington in the arvo to check the deal on some lomo's, out tomorrow to a gig in Hillsdale. As for sunday.. not to sure, haven't been to Bondi markets in a while? maybe see whats going on there.

Ever noticed how when your driving down a main road, say in the city, you hear like little pockets of music.. say, you'll hear a splurt of lady gaga, then a interruption of heavily strum acoustic guitar chords.. accompanied by the guy who really should keep the singing to his bedroom, then past the nightclubs you have the unremitting beats of amercian hiphoppoprapshitcrap.. anyone? wells I think its cool.

I just got back from the beach, shot some long exposures, this is probably the best one (below)

There's a color version on flickr if your feeling exotic.
Have a great weekend, i'll post some photos of the MCA thingo tomorrow.

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