Saturday, April 10, 2010

The blitz that was..

Just this saturday past, Bondi was again host to the rocking' Blitz concert. At it, about 12 bands from around the greater Sydney area rip their squires and Gibsons out (and various Korg synths if you douchy like that) and play for 25min sets throughout out the day. The concert is targeted at Youth.. and our awareness of certain things.. for example they had this weird facebook stall about privacy and blah blah blah.. Now, you may notice I haven't said a word about Jeff. Well, um.. yeah.. we didn't play. *gasps from the readers erupt* Basically, there was a huge miscommunication.. we wanted a change in set time.. but, we got cut. It was a great shame, I mean cmon.. I was practicing my solo all friggin night, (though apparently it sounds a lot like Reuben's.. There is always the Blymps throughout the year, but they're just not the same.. Blitz is great because its outdoors in the sun.. and a more casual atmosphere, the public just meandering by at will. 

Anyway, so the other day someone asked me on my flickr if I could recommend any good photography website that have teaching resources etc. I was able to tell him a few that he was really pleased with.. but more interestingly, had never seen before. The thing with the internet it.. its such a great resource full of knowledge, information, resources and (other things).. but finding good sites for what you want can be a hard job.. its like a never ending treasure hunt of clicking to page 92728264 of your Google search. So today I thought I'd list some of the sites that I love.. 

Going through all the interests here.. Firstly, is a great site, it tells you exactly that, whats on. It has a list of galleries around NSW that are having certain exhibitions.. inc. where and when.

Of course there is ... outside of my photostream of course. If you want to see some mindblowing landscapes.. check out Australian/New Zealand photographer Kane Gledhill and his photostream at,  .  is hilarious. Just go on it, daily.. as is; check out their comic section as well. 

Finally, there's Reddit. Reddit is an open source "news" site that allows readers and followers to post everything from articles, news stories, experiences of theirs, funny pictures, opinions, music, games, links, websites… it goes on. Now all of that (and this is the great thing about it) is organised into separate catergories or "subreddits". For example, the music sub-reddit is click on that and you'll just be looking at links, stories, pictures.. basically anything to do with just music. But it doesn't end there.. in the music sub-reddit.. you have links to OTHER music sub-reddits like the guitar one, all your guitar news in one little neat package. Now the thing is.. all the above websites.. I found by reading reddit.. its that good. At first it may look a bit bland.. but give it 5 minutes and I guarantee you'll love it. 

Bonus content for your viewing pleasure:
"It was a nice morning today..."

For this AND MORE! check out my stillsemiunderconstructcion website

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Currawong; a little slice of heaven on the north shore.

Just got back from a little paradise 30min from Palm Beach called Currawong.. wow. This place has been in and out of problems for a long time now, basically, its owned by the workers union and use to be leased out to the workers on holidays.. for a while (I think its actually on-going) they wanted to develop it into a 5 star resort of some sort.. and geez, there's good reason too. I've been to a lot of places up and around australia, little coastal hide-aways like this, but nearly all of them didn't have what Currawong had, that was just total bliss and relaxation..

So, it started off on Friday morning where we all met at Paddintong for a morning coffee and breakfast. The 1h 30m drive ahead was looming, but I wasn't worried, my iphone was all charged up and loaded with 3 new albums, The XX; by The xx, Valleys of Neptune; Jimi Hendrix and Angus and Julia Stone's latest masterpiece. Its a nice drive, in fact I don't mind long drives, they're nice and relaxing.. the best being long country drives at night.. anyway. We arrived at Palm Beach shortly, ready to hop on the ferry. The weather was magical, a brilliant 27 or so degrees. The ferry ride took about 30m before we got to our final destination, Currawong Beach Cottages.

So what do you do at currawong? simple. Nothing. Now that sounds bad, but really, you don't have to worry, you have food, music, the sea.. just lying on the jetty watching the clouds go by.. could do it all day. Apart from nothing, you do have the choice of a few games and stuff, there's a Golfcourse (on my second hit it went into the lake, never to be found again), tennis courts, volleyball and pingpong, all the gear free to use.

After a bit of lying around, climatizing, we went on an adventure to the top of 'Champagne Rock'. Basically, its about a 15 min walk from the cottages through the hillside, or rather, up the hill with rocks and awesome danger. But the scabbed knees and cuts were all worth it, the view was quite something, from the top, you looked over the whole Pittwater area, all the sailing boats out doing their thing (I use to sail at Pittwater, won the national champs in 2006, go us.). Up the top we popped the Champz and took in the view and laughed the afternoon away.
It is an amazing place for photography, I took around 300 photos, as well as a panoramic series from the top of Champz rock. The water is so damn blue! it was like we were boating through the Mentanwai islands! If your one of those photogs that fancies wildlife, this is the place for you, daily, we'd see heaps of Wallabies and all different kinds of birds. Nice stuff, don't seem to mind the humans, weirdly..

So i'd defiantly go back again, for a longer time aswell. Its got to be one of the best places just to get away from it all.. like there is no excuse to just go to the shops like you can on other holidays.. there is no shops! the 'shop' comes by boat every morning at 8am! So that was my slice of bliss for the month.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Geez you could feel the cold today. This morning was like rainy-awful-autumn-winterness weather. But it was a good day, last one of term. Again, couldn't be effed to go down to Bondi, no surf, no sun.. no point.

So last day of term, twas a big one, had our easter liturgy in the morning (yawn) then the Great Wave Shave in the arvo.. huge success. I mean the money raised must have been more than the whole project compassion thing, on the spot at times we were raking in hundreds to shave teachers heads impromptu. I think over 250 boys got their hair done and coloured (yes, including myself..) all for a good cause.. As far as I know the money was going to the Prince of Wales hospital to the Cancer research center, the great thing is there was no middle man, unlike organisations like Canteen and that, everything was donated. Great stuff.

Want to see some amazing photography? Have a look there, this guy is a champ, Aussie/NZ, travels a lot all over the place capturing some amazing landscapes. Pretty eye opening stuff, have a look down the page.

Tomorrow, Inshalla, I'll be making the pilgrimage to the annual Royal Easter Show out at hommie. Should be a good night, lights, rides, colourful things and live music.. good lens fodder. I haven't been in ages, its a bit expensive these days.. where the hell are my free tickets? but cmon, show bags, unpassable.. not like the coke or pepsi bag, but the real winners.. zombie chews, bertie beetle, chuppa chup, cadburry, wizz fizz.. it goes on.
So yesm, should be a good night.. oh and occupying the day is a band prac for the up and coming blitz gig.. we need the practice, down a member.. Reub will be in Fiji.

Until then,

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Well, there hasn't been anything to do photowise in the last 2 days.. no surf, and today no sunrise. Sucks because I am actually so much more tired at school when I don't go down in the morning than if I do.. weird. Anyway, instead, I've just been cleaning my bookshelf (yep, fun stuff.. i'm cool like that) and found some CDs, books and records.. nice. So I pulled them out, nothing extraordinary, Phoenix, Let it Be, Sgt. peppers, Between dreams, Tea and sympathy.. well okay, they all are pretty good.. as well as this there were 5 books, and a few records. The last thing I found in this particular section was the unmistakeable bland white plastic card for $20 on iTunes (not a bad thing.. we'll get to that). It was this juxtaposition that started me thinking.. the Cd's, records & books up against the card. 

So this arvo I was in JBHIFI looking for an album when in the line, in front of me, a kid was buying a $50 iTunes recharge card. Now, that could have been a gift for a friend, fair enough.. but it could have very well possibly have been for himself, that he would be taking home, and spending up later that night on the itunes store. The thing is, whatever music he is into, he could have bought the CD right there, in the store. So like many others, I wonder what has happened (or happening) to the other aspects of music.. things like the album art, owning the physical CD, books and photography. I think in many ways, people have forgotten about many of theses things. For me, a band or artist isn't just about the songs, its their image, thier views and all in all how it is presented.. for example, I'm a bigggggg fan of John Lennon, well of the beatles but specifically Lennon. And if you like, I can recommend some good books, (I will due to lack of anything else to do & rain).
 I have a little collection of Lennon books.. yeah, it looks obsessive but really its nothing. The first one there (Pic right) is a biography of his life, a brief one at that though.. its a really good simple book that won't take long to read.. also, its not all about the Beatles, which is a nice break. The second "Memories of John Lennon" is a compilation of letters and interviews from famous figures such as Elton John and Yoko Ono that are reflecting on his life, and their experience with him. Great read.. its not the thing you read cover to cover in one hit, just occasionally with a cup of tea perhaps. The third "John Lennon" is just a biography.. haven't read all of that. The fourth, "Let Me Take You Down" is an interesting one, its the story of the months leading up to, and including Lennon's assination by Mark Chapman (thats the gunman btw, not the author.. haha (sorry that not really funny is it..)). I mean of course it was horrible, and its not like you'd want to read more about it, but it is interesting on this guys view of things.. basically he believed that Lennon was a hypocrite, spoke of love, peace and equality yet lived a rockstar lifestyle. Oh and the fifth is "Scar Tissue" auto biography of Anthony Kedis, lead vocalist of the RHCP.

Oo the other amazing book I found.. cuddled up with my Let it Be record (yes, record.) was the Get Back book which was a Photojournalistic piece that documented the making of the record. Its soo great, I love it to bits. Its just full of awesome full and half and mini size photos of all the band doing their thing, and even photos from the rooftop concert. It also has pages on pages of transcripts from interviews of when they were recording.. pretty epic stuff.

So anyway, what the hell's my point.. well, I think in some ways people are loosing or missing some great things to do with bands and the like. They seem to listen to the songs, and think nothing more of it. There's way more to it. So get rid of your itunes cards (itunes is a great thing though, viva la ipod touch) and go buy some albums, and records and photography books and books on the band. Don't be restrained to a little digital flip through library on a 2" x 3" screen. This doesn't apply to all music, course it doesn't, but for goldie oldies, get into it, I mean c'mon, who wants to read a biography about fucking Ke$ha. 

I talk to much.
Back to photos tomorrow.

Im going to drink some tea and flip through Get back whilst listening to the scratchy imperfections of Abbey Road on record. Wanna join me? K

Sunday, March 28, 2010

72 hours..

Probably missed it by about 5 minutes this morning.. well thats what the guy next to me said who had all his gear set up as I came running down the hill. It was good, but not great.. to be honest, most of the clouds were out of the frame anyway. O well.

Counting down the days now, geez you can tell everybody needs a holiday now.. its starting to set it. The weather is meant to be nice, lets hope.. Need to stock up on the tea and biscuits this thursday 'cause friday there ain't nothing open.. its worse than christmas, promise. And yeah, im sure we're all ready to gorge on chocolate easter eggs for the next week right? Seriously I still find them in my fridge months after. Hot cross buns on the other hand.. now they are something different. 

Currawong Friday! It's a short stay but a good one, and yeah, hoping for some nice weather.. only getting one sunrise, better be good. So I have to start packing my bags, essentials only of course. 
I wanted to get a lomo camera by then, doubt thats happening now. But soon. Oh and yesterday I did some double exposures, I'll post some up later.

Have fun homeworking.. if thats your type of thing 2 days out from holidays.


P.s. Lady that lives in the apartment on Knotts avenue.. I hope you found your paper. I know who's to blame. 

Down to the markets

I lurrrve the Bondi markets, oo and paddo markets, they're all great really. Went down there today about 11, so hot even then. Looks like heaps more uni students are getting in there with their screen-printed-indie t-shirts, really good stuff.

Next week! We've got school Monday-Wednesday. Thursday, having an all day practice for the up and coming bondi blitz concert on the 10th of April (get down, it'll be a great day). And then Friday, packing the bags for Palm Beach.

On another note, Art & About is coming up. I'm looking at entering their Photography competition. Basically, you can submit 2 photos that have to reflect some aspect of sydney life, evoke emotions, provide the judges with your skill of the art and is totally original. Now choosing 2 photos from literally thousands (maybe only hundreds are favourites) is a hard task. At the moment i'm looking at submitting "Tension" - I think it has the ability to create a lot of stories around it.. but not sure what other photo.

Tomorrow, weather prevailing, I'll be working on my short vid. Created a Vimeo account today.. 5GB a week.. not bad.

'till then, I leave you with Mr. Stone; Ciao.

I spilled the ink across the page trying to spell your name, So I fold it up and I flick it out
Paper Aeroplane.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

monotones, lights and mirrors

Went to the MCA 'take your time' exhibition today.. one word; amazingfreakingmindblowingawesome.
So first you see the monofrequency room - makes you look black and white (you can forget about in camera white balance in there) thats pretty amazing. Next we went through the perspex tunnel, into the room with the rotating dics, and finally, the mist room, wow. I mean, how can you be sitting in your studio and think "hmm, well I think I want to create an artwork comprised of fine mist that creates the illusion on a rainbow if viewed from exactly a certain angle, that creates a halo around you when you walk through it.." but really, it was amazing. Shot heaps of pics, but best achievement of the day; getting told off by ever MCA staff member in each section for photography. winwinwin. But so worth the long train ride out. Trippy as hell.

Going to work on my video tomorrow, should be a clear morning.. fingers crossed.

Here some of the best from today, enjoy.                          

Friday, March 26, 2010

Evil S I yes to find a shore.

Ah, Friday. Its been such a long week, have been busy with something everyday until now. Thankfully thats all over, no more assessments, doneskie. This morning was terrible, no clouds meant no sunrise, and no surf.. theres the two options gone. But dang the coffee at speedos it worth it. This weekend should be great, so far, going to the MCA tomorrow to check out that installation, then might head to Paddington in the arvo to check the deal on some lomo's, out tomorrow to a gig in Hillsdale. As for sunday.. not to sure, haven't been to Bondi markets in a while? maybe see whats going on there.

Ever noticed how when your driving down a main road, say in the city, you hear like little pockets of music.. say, you'll hear a splurt of lady gaga, then a interruption of heavily strum acoustic guitar chords.. accompanied by the guy who really should keep the singing to his bedroom, then past the nightclubs you have the unremitting beats of amercian hiphoppoprapshitcrap.. anyone? wells I think its cool.

I just got back from the beach, shot some long exposures, this is probably the best one (below)

There's a color version on flickr if your feeling exotic.
Have a great weekend, i'll post some photos of the MCA thingo tomorrow.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Howdy. Well to start this off, today was a great morning; not to cold, though Autumn is surrrrre on its way,  but whoo, that means coats and cafés. Photowise, a nice morning two, much of the same though. Looked at my photo library today, 16,596 items.. wow. Just finished sorting through all of the shots from a shoot I did last week. They turned out wells! I'd love to do some stuff for one day.. Zoezoe afterwards: 

Oo, I was just looking whats on this weekend.. looking at going to that Olafur Eliasson exhibition at the MCA.. looks fairly darn awesome. Missed Generation next again.. damn. But yeah, this looks really cool...

"From light-filled environments to walk-in kaleidoscopes, Eliasson’s unique, experiential works explore the intersection between nature and
science, and the boundary between the organic and the artificial."

 No idea what the deal is with taking photos.. but i'll find out I guess.

Awesome band; The XX.. I'd never heard of them until a month ago, now loving most of their stuff. Song recs; Islands, Crystallised & Basic Shape. Check it.

What else, oo, Holidays soon. Trying to line up a few more shoots, but yeah, would love to do some lookbook stuff. The locations around Sydney are amazing, (at morning light or evening) you have the Rocks, the quay, Paddinton side streets (goldmine) Bondi rocks, Centieniall park... Have to just get out there.

okay, bedtime.
Tomorrow looks promising, no cloud, warm water & temps getting to 37 in the west (phewww who said its winter in 2 months?)

Until then
bonne nuit

...this is awkward.

Geez the first post.. my page will look so bare for weeks..
Enough of that, hey, It's Elliott. So I'm in the middle of setting up a website at the moment, but it really needs working out.
So in the meantime, lets do some blogging! Well, I take photos, everyday, 365 days a year. I mostly take them of early morning Bondi, my second home. Its fun. So i'll post daily here, but if you want to see earlier stuff, checkout my photostream (right hand flickr link), its there in all its glory.

Well, it's thursday, thats Pizza night, so I'll go do that, while you look at this picture, and laugh about the emptiness of my blog.


Coco's blog is AMAZINGFANTASTICALLYGREATBRILLIANT & was my inspro for this

The morning hues - Bondi 0630